Asim Riaz and Himanshi Khurana have garnered a huge fan base after their Bigg Boss 13 stint and fans love them like crazy. As the couple have collaborated on many projects after Bigg Boss 13, their music video Afsos Karoge released just recently. Both, Asim and Himanshi took to their respective Instagram accounts to inform fans about the song's release and they look adorable as always in the music video. Now, the Bigg Boss 13 runner-up took to his social media to share an unseen sun-kissed picture with ladylove Himanshi Khurana and wants fans to keep watching music video Afsos Karoge. The couple’s picture is all things LIT.
On Instagram, Asim Riaz shared the picture with the caption, “#afsoskaroge keep watching.” Riaz shared an unseen picture with girlfriend Himanshi Khurana and they look adorbs. Sharing the picture, the Bigg Boss 13 runner-up asked fans to keep watching Himanshi and his latest music video Afsos Karoge. The picture shared by Asim features Himanshi and him and they look super happy while posing for pictures.
In the picture, Himanshi Khurana is spotted sitting right next to Asim Riaz in a car, while the Bigg Boss 13 runner-up is clicked seated comfortably at the driver’s seat. The picture sees Himanshi clicking a selfie and the couple looks to cute for words as they pose and smile for the camera. Himanshi Khurana has managed to get a perfect picture of Asim and her with the sunlight touching their face. The sun-kissed picture is LIT AF and fresh with Himanshi Khurana and Asim Riaz proving they are #couplegoals. Check it out!
Image source: Instagram/ Asim Riaz