Popular TV show Anupamaa’s lead actress Rupali Ganguly often treats us with some of the behind the scenes pictures from the shooting location, thus keeping her fans updated about what's going on. Today she shared pictures of the entire cast along with the producers Rajan Shahi and his mother Deepa Shahi, who was also posing for a picture. As she shared these pictures she mentioned in her caption that the blessings of parents and families always have good results. She termed Deepa Shahi's presence on the sets being calming.
Her Instagram caption, “A great team makes a good show, but not without the blessings of our parents, our families and the universe The calming Mother presence on our sets - our producer @deepa.shahi.1428” This post of Rupali was showered with red hearts and emojis with heart-shaped eyes. The actress often shares pictures with the producer and this one is totally a delight. The show has remained the audience’s favourite since it began in 2020 after the government allowed the film and TV industry to function following safety protocol.
Take a look at Rupali’s Instagram post below-
Image Source: Instagram/rupaliganguly