Starring Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, Aurra Bhatnagar, and others, Anupama is one of the most-watched shows on Star Plus. Produced by Rajan Shahi, the show has maintained its top spot on the TRP list ever since it started airing. In the current plot of the show, Anu reunites with Aadhya and Anuj during the Janmashtami celebration. However, in a fit of rage to kill Aadhya, Megha brings a knife and accidentally stabs Anu, who jumps in the middle to save Aadhya’s life. Doctors try to save her life, but she breathes her last. Anuj fights with God to give him his Anu back as he and Aadhya won’t be able to live without her.
Today’s episode starts with everyone crying in the hospital. Anuj reaches the hospital and a crying Aadhya tells him that Anu has left them forever. In disbelief, Anu says that this can’t be happening. He rushes toward the operation room’s door and starts banging on it. He calls out to Anu and tells her to get up. He talks to her and scolds her for ignoring Kanhaji’s wishes. As Anuj continues talking to her, Anu’s machines start beeping. Doctors are left shocked witnessing the miracle. They are in disbelief and make her wear the oxygen mask again. The doctor comes out and informs everyone that Anu is alive. Anuj thanks him.
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Aadhya enters the room and calls out to her mother. The mother-daughter duo have an emotional reunion. Babuji gets emotional seeing Anu’s complete family. Aadhya apologises to Anu and Anuj for being stubborn and adamant. They console Aadhya. Babuji, Sagar, Meenu, and others come there to meet Anu. The doctors asks everyone to leave as Anu needs rest. Everyone leaves the hospital apart from Anu and Aadhya, who stay back and catch-up. As Toshu and Tapish bring everyone home, they see the Ashram residents and the Shah family dancing. Babuji gives a monologue about how his fight with God is now over. Everyone celebrates.
The next day, as Meenu comes outside of the house, she slips and is about to fall when Sagar holds her. Pakhi decides to take proof of it. Anu wakes up in her decorated room and Anuj and Aadhya come there. Aadhya takes care of Anu. A little while later, Kinjal and Tapish rush into the hospital room to meet Anu, who is sleeping. As they meet her, Anu sees Dimpy, Pakhi, and Paristosh standing to the side. In the upcoming of the show, Anu returns home, where everyone celebrates her return. Sagar tells her that her motto now should be to rest to the fullest. However, she tells him that there is one thing left to do. Anu goes to Megha;s house to talk to her, but the latter insults her.
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