Celebrities getting it into verbal spats on social media is nothing new. Many often take to their official handles to criticise the other, one of them is Anasuya Bharadwaj. Over the past few years, she has relentlessly mocked and attacked actor Vijay Deverakonda. From his movie choices to his name on the poster of his upcoming projects, she has left no stone unturned to troll him. While the actor never paid any heed to her hurtful tweets, it often leaves his fans angry.
However, if the reports are to be believed, the issues between the couple and Deverakonda resolved when he offered Anasuya a role in his production Meeku Matrame Cheptha (2019).
On the work front, Deverakonda was last seen in Liger starring Ananya Pandey. The movie was heavily criticized for its portrayal of story and characters. The actor too faced major backlash from the critics as well as the netizens. It was reported that Liger’s failure took a huge toll on the actor. He is currently busy filming his next film Kushi which also stars Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the lead.
Image Source: Instagram