Title Reveal Of Nandamuri Kalyanram’s Next Socio-Fantasy Film To Happen Soon; Details Inside

On the occasion of Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao's (NTR) birthday anniversary, Kalyanram’s next film will reveal its name

Debika Chakraborty

Thu May 27 2021, 16:06:53 4834 views
Nandamuri Kalyanram has collaborated with debutant director Mallidi Vashista for an upcoming project. The projects will be a socio-fantasy flick which went on floors in 2020. But unfortunately, due to the surge in the Covid-19 cases, the makers of the film had to halt the production process. Meanwhile, the makers of #NKR18 announced that the title of the film will be revealed on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the great Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao (NTR).

Taking to social media, the makers of #NKR18 shared a picture which is pretty appealing. You can see a sword is dug in the middle of a book and there is a red flag with a graphical lion face is made. Along with the picture, they wrote, “A time travel from Evil to Good. Get ready for the powerful title reveal of the socio fantasy extravaganza #NKR18 on May 28th at 12pm.  @NANDAMURIKALYAN  in a never seen before role ! #Vashist”

Kalyanram will be producing the film under NTR Arts. If the grapevine of the industry is something to go by, Rakul Preet Singh can be seen portraying a role of a journalist and Catherine Tresa will be seen as a warrior queen in film. In fact, rumours say that Kalyanram can be seen in dual roles.

Image source: twitter/NTRArtsOfficial/cinemaexpress.com