Superstar Allu Arjun and actress Rashmika Mandanna are currently busy shooting for their upcoming movie Pushpa: The Rule. While fans are eagerly waiting for an update on the film, it is being reported that the two of the artists from the movie were left injured after an accident. The bus that was carrying the film artists was returning to Hyderabad, Telangana from Andhra Pradesh after they had finished shooting for it. According to a report by India TV, their bus met with an accident in Telangana's Nalgonda district.
The media reports that the bus rammed into a stationery RTC bus near Narketpally on Hyderabad-Vijayawada highway on Wednesday. The RTC bus driver had stopped the vehicle by the roadside due to a technical problem. The driver, who was driving the vehicle filled with the film artists, failed to notice the stationary bus and hit it. As per the reports the artists sustained minor injuries during the accident. ALSO READ: Pushpa 2 PIC LEAKED: Netizens Are Convinced Rashmika Mandanna’s Character Will Die In 2nd Part As Srivalli Is Seen Lying On Deathbed
The makers of the upcoming movie had released the first look poster of Pushpa: The Rule. It is being reported that the movie will be released in Summer 2024. ALSO READ: 'Pushpa Biwi Ke Aage Jhuk Gaya' Say Fans After Allu Arjun Bows Down His Head In Front Of Wife Sneha Reddy In Viral Marriage Video
Talking about the second instalment, it was previously reported that the film will serve as a conclusion to Pushparaj's life, exploring his childhood and relationships with his father and half-siblings. According to reports, the clash between Pushpa and Bhanwar Singh (Fahadh Faasil) will continue in the sequel.
For the unversed, directed by Sukumar, Pushpa: The Rise focuses on the story of a labourer who makes a name for himself by smuggling red sandalwood, but chaos erupts when the police attempt to bring down his illegal business. The pan-Indian movie was released in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam on December 17, 2021.
Image Source: Instagram