Noted Kuchipudi dancer Sandhya Raju’s debut Telegu film ‘Natyam’ has unveiled its teaser. Junior NTR has launched the teaser yesterday and it created a huge buzz in the industry. He has also showered his best wishes to the filmmakers. The actor has engaged himself these days with the shooting of ‘RRR’ and extracted some time to encourage the film based on classical dance and its rich historical background.
The film ‘Natyam’ is helmed by Revanth Korukonda and jointly bankrolled by Sandhya Raju and Dil Raju under the banners of Nishrinkala Films and Sri Venkateswara Films. This film is a romantic drama revolves around classical dance form and its history. It was scheduled to release in 2020 but due to coronavirus pandemic, last-minute production and release got delayed. Taking to the social media account, JN. NTR posted the link of the teaser and wrote, “Wishing the renowned dancer Smt @SandhyaRaju garu and the team of #Natyam the very best. Here's the teaser”
Wishing the renowned dancer Smt @SandhyaRaju garu and the team of #Natyam the very best. Here's the teaser
— Jr NTR (@tarak9999) February 10, 2021
@RevanthOfficial @NatyamTheMovie
Sandhya Raju has seen in the main lead in ‘Natyam’ while Kamal Kamaraju is Portraying a crucial role in the film. Also, popular dancer Rohit Behal is seen as the love interest of the leading lady.
Image source: Youtube/DilRaju/twitter/vamsikaka/tarak9999
Image source: Youtube/DilRaju/twitter/vamsikaka/tarak9999