Tollywood power couple Ram Charan and Upasana welcomed their baby girl, Klin Kaara, in June 2023. However, it wasn't until recently that they shared their daughter's face with the world. On Father's Day, a team member of Ram Charan shared a heartwarming photo on social media, featuring the RRR star joyfully playing with Klin Kaara. The duo was dressed in matching checkered outfits, capturing a tender moment between father and daughter. ALSO READ: Ram Charan-Upasana Kamineni Konidela Express Excitement Over Sweeping Election Results In Andhra And Telangana- TWEET INSIDE
The adorable picture showed Ram Charan holding his smiling daughter, who looked charming in a red checkered frock with a white hairband. The social media post read, "Here’s the most adorable picture of new dad @AlwaysRamCharan and #KlinKaaraKonidela to light up Father’s Day," highlighting the special bond between the new dad and his little princess. As Klin Kaara's first birthday approaches on June 20, the excitement around her and her parents continues to grow. ALSO READ: RC16: Ram Charan-Janhvi Kapoor's On-Screen Pairing Set To Ignite The Silver Screen For Their Much-Awaited Upcoming Film!
Ram Charan and Upasana's love story began with their traditional wedding ceremony on June 14, 2012. Over the years, they have remained a strong and supportive couple, standing by each other through every challenge and triumph. Their enduring relationship has been an inspiration to many.
Here’s the most adorable picture of new dad @AlwaysRamCharan and #KlinKaaraKonidela to light up Father’s Day ❤️❤️#FathersDay#GlobalStarRamCharan #RamCharan #RC #RC16 #RC17 #DrRamCharan #GameChanger
— SivaCherry (@sivacherry9) June 16, 2024
On the professional front, Ram Charan is gearing up for his role in the highly anticipated action film 'Game Changer,' directed by Shankar and co-starring Kiara Advani. The film is set to be released in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi, promising to reach a broad audience. In addition to 'Game Changer,' Ram Charan has another exciting project lined up with Janhvi Kapoor, although details about this film remain undisclosed.
The reveal of Klin Kaara's face on social media was a delightful treat for fans, adding to the joy of Father's Day and marking a significant moment for the proud parents. As Ram Charan balances his flourishing career and newfound fatherhood, fans eagerly anticipate more glimpses into his personal and professional life.
Image Source: Twitter