SS Rajamouli's Bahubali franchise is the pride of Indian cinema and is the highest-grossing film series ever with a staggering box office collection of Rs 2500 crore. On Sunday, a Prabhas fan posted a viral photo of the Baahubali statue at the Mysore wax museum on Twitter, which caught the attention of the film's producer, Shobhu Yarlagadda. Upon noticing that the statue bore little resemblance to Prabhas' character in the film, the producer responded to the social media post with anger and issued a stern warning to the Mysore museum. In his tweet, he expressed how an officially licensed work was done without any permission or knowledge of the creators. He warned them of taking immediate steps to have the statue removed. ALSO READ: Kalki 2898 AD Leak: Makers Of Prabhas, Deepika Padukone Starrer Issue Legal Copyright Notice Ahead Of The Film’s Release
Most of the netizens expressed how the statue didn’t look like Prabhas at all. A user wrote, "Sir except Bahubali armour, it's not Prabhas at all." Another one commented, "That's not at all looking like Prabhas.. To take action u must prove it's looking like Prabhas."
Moreover, Prabhas starrer Baahubali films featured an ensemble cast including Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah Bhatia, Sathyaraj, Ramya Krishnan and Nassar in the key roles. Director SS Rajamouli also had a cameo in the song Manohari in Baahubali: The Beginning. ALSO READ: 'Kalki 2898 AD' Teaser OUT! Prabhas, Deepika Padukone’s Project K Undergoes Name Change! Check Out The Thrilling Glimpse Of This Sci-fi Film
This not an officially licensed work and was done without our permission or knowledge. We will be taking immediate steps to get this removed.
— Shobu Yarlagadda (@Shobu_) September 25, 2023
SS Rajamouli's epic period saga made Prabhas a pan-India superstar as he ruled hearts with his role as a father-son duo of Amarendra Baahubali and Mahendra Baahubali. Even though the wax statue doesn’t resemble the actor, the similarities between the sculpture and Baahubali’s overall look has prompted the makers to take legal steps.
On the work front, Prabhas will be seen next in Prashanth Neel's Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire. The movie is all set to hit theatres September 28. He will also star in Nag Ashwin's sci-fi film Kalki 2898 AD alongside Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan as the film heads for January 12, 2024 release.
Image Source: Twitter/@dp_karthik