The veteran Tamil film industry actor Theepetti Ganesan passes away. He complained about the chest pain and was immediately admitted to the hospital in Madurai where while receiving treatment he took his last breath and was finally declared dead by the doctors. He entertained the audience by some blockbuster hits like Renigunta, Billa 2. The veteran director Seenu Ramasamy who also directed ‘Kanne Kalaimane’ expressed his sorrow and wrote-“, "I was shocked to hear the death news of actor Karthik aka Theepetti Ganesan who had acted in my films. He was under treatment at Madurai's Rajaji Hospital. Heartfelt condolences Ganesa."
The news of death of Theepetti Ganesan is a huge and irreplaceable loss for Tamil Film Industry. Reportedly, during lockdown the late actor was in financial crisis as the work in industry was on hold. The actor has requested his colleagues to help him financially through social media, especially the video that got viral of the message for Thala Ajith. As a result, Theepetti Ganesan got help from many people of the industry.
Talking on the work front, he last appeared in the film Kanne Kalaimane with Udhayanidhi Stalin and Tamannaah Bhatia in the key roles. The film did well at the box office. Theepetti has bagged more than ten Tamil films in his career.
Image source: Instagram/theepettiganesan