The heartthrob Vijay Chandrashekhar hit the box office big time with his last film ‘Master’. Vijay will star in Nelson Dhilipkumar ‘s ‘Thalapathy 65’ and reportedly Pooja Hegde can be seen romancing with Vijay in this Tamil blockbuster movie. It is also said that Pooja Hegde has signed the Kollywood project after nine years.
Pooja Hegde is very active on social media handle and she looked very exciting with the announcement of joining the ‘Thalapathy 65’ team. She captioned on Instagram with sharing a teaser video-“ SUPER DUPER EXCITED to be onboard this grand film with the fantastic Vijay Sir. Can’t wait to start shooting Tamil I come....” The announcement also excites the fans of Pooja and they are praising her with words of appreciation in the comment box.
Anirudh Ravichander is the composer of music and this is his third project with Vijay after 'Kaththi' and 'Master'. ‘Thalapathy 65' director Nelson Dhilipkumar is eagerly waiting for the release date of his debut directorial film 'Doctor' and the movie is expected to release during Ramadan this year.
Image source: Instagram/hegdepooja/SpotboyEarchives