Sumanth Radhakrishnan's 'Hostel' is one of the highly expected upcoming movies in Tamil, whereas, the movie has been postponed due to the pandemic threat. As per the reports, Sumanth Radhakrishnan's 'Hostel' gets a U/A certificate from the censor board. However, a picture indicating the 'Hostel' censor details went viral on the internet, and it reveals that the film is censored 'U/A' the makers call it 'Ultimate Allaparai'.
Actor Satish enjoys a huge fan following and is very active on social media. Always amazes fans with his pictures and videos. Recently, actor Satish tweets and inform his tweeter handle that his movie “Hostel” gets a U/A certificate. He captioned the post – “#Hostel Certified U/A !! Coming Soon... ICYMI catch the teaser here @AshokSelvan @priya_Bshankar @memyselfsrk #BoboSasii @pravethedop @krrishskumar @muralikris1001 @YogiKpy @Muzik247in @RubiniSakthi @teamaimpr”. The poster suggests “Get ready for Ultimate Allaparai”.
#Hostel Certified U/A !!
— Sathish (@actorsathish) October 19, 2021
Coming Soon...⏳
ICYMI catch the teaser here▶️ @priya_Bshankar @memyselfsrk #BoboSasii @pravethedop @krrishskumar @muralikris1001 @YogiKpy @Muzik247in @RubiniSakthi @teamaimpr
“Hostel” is Ashok Selvan and Priya Bhavani Shankar starrer. The movie is directed by ‘Sadhuram 2’ filmmaker Sumanth Radhakrishnan, “Hostel” also features Satish, Nasser, Munishkanth, and Ravi Maria in lead roles.
Music composed by Bobo Sashi and cinematography by Praveen, As per reports, “Hostel” is an official Tamil remake of the 2015 Malayalam comedy, Adi Kapyaare Kootamani, which starred Dhyan Sreenivasan and Namitha Pramod. The teaser of the movie is well received by the audience.
Image source: Twitter/actorsathish