The Tamil actor, Jayam Ravi has always brought new roles through his films. He is now once again ready to amaze his fans by acting in the role of a gangster in his upcoming film.
Jayam Ravi who was recently seen as a boxer in the 'Bhooloham' movie is now going to play a gangster in his upcoming film, Kalyana Krishnan. The movie is based on the story of a dashing gangster from north madras. Since Jayam has worked as a gangster in several movies in the past, we are confident this film too will be a mass entertainer roping in audiences to the cinema halls. He will surely amaze everyone with his powerful acting yet again but fans are also on the edge of their seat to see the action in the film. The director will officially announce the news soon.
Meanwhile, Jayam Ravi is currently filming his upcoming historical drama Ponniyin Selvan which is directed by Mani Ratnam. His film Bhoomi saw a digital release recently.
Image source: Instagram/jayamravi_official