The team of the cold case recently completed the shooting and will be now looking forward to the successful release of the film. The main actors, Prithviraj Sukumaran and Aditi Balan of the film have been constantly sharing pictures and stories from their shooting time on their social media and giving the fans a glimpse of the movie. Now revealing the good news to the waiting audience, Aditi Balan shared the official poster of the movie on her Instagram and wrote,’’ The dead-end is where this cold case begins! Watch #ColdCaseOnPrime June 30, @primevideoin’’ Talking about the upcoming movie, Cold mess is a Malayalam thriller movie, directed by Thau Balak starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Aditi Balan in prominent roles.
Prithviraj Sukumaran is a versatile actor, playback singer, and producer best known for his work in Malayalam films. He has also acted in a number of Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi films. His last film was Ayyappanum Koshiyum. His Malayalam directorial action thriller Lucifer was a great hit. Yennai Arindhaal fame Aditi Balan will be paired with Prithviraj in this upcoming drama.
The cold case is an in-and-out crime thriller movie and it is set to release on the OTT platform Amazon prime on 30th June.
Image source: Instagram/therealprithvi