Popular Punjabi actor Rana Ranbir has recently met Bollywood music director Pritam Chakraborty and the Pollywood star is all praise for the ace musician. Rana has taken to his social media handle to share pictures of him with the music director Pritam.
While sharing the pictures, the actor wrote, “Pritam Ji .. a great music director. Dada bohat hi kamaal de artist ne. Ihna nu kol beh k sunan da mauka milea. #pritam #dada #musicdirector #bollywood”
Meanwhile, on the cinematic front, Rana Ranbir was last seen in Gippy Grewal’s ‘Ardaas Karan’. The actor has a small but an important role in the movie. And, along with Gippy Grewal, he is the one who worked on the screenplay and story of the film.
Image Source:- Instagram/officialranaranbir
While sharing the pictures, the actor wrote, “Pritam Ji .. a great music director. Dada bohat hi kamaal de artist ne. Ihna nu kol beh k sunan da mauka milea. #pritam #dada #musicdirector #bollywood”
Meanwhile, on the cinematic front, Rana Ranbir was last seen in Gippy Grewal’s ‘Ardaas Karan’. The actor has a small but an important role in the movie. And, along with Gippy Grewal, he is the one who worked on the screenplay and story of the film.
Image Source:- Instagram/officialranaranbir