Sonam Bajwa always ups her style game with her on-point fashion sense. The diva never misses making a fashion statement. And the latest picture of her on Instagram is the proof of the same. Sonam is giving us major summer goals as she is wearing a dark blue t-shirt along with denim shorts and grey coloured comfy shoes. She is looking chic-yet-casual as she kept her hair open and applied minimal makeup.
While sharing the picture, Sonam wrote, “Next 4 days is all about feeding mangoes to my body and good reading for my soul”.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonam Bajwa was last seen in ‘Muklawa’ alongside Ammy Virk. Next, she will be seen in ‘Singham’ and ‘Jinde Meriye’ alongside Parmish Verma in the lead. Furthermore, Sonam will make her Bollywood debut with ‘Street Dancer 3D’ in 2020. After that, she has another movie 'Puaada' in her kitty, the film also stars Ammy Virk in the lead.
Image Source:- Instagram/sonambajwa
While sharing the picture, Sonam wrote, “Next 4 days is all about feeding mangoes to my body and good reading for my soul”.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonam Bajwa was last seen in ‘Muklawa’ alongside Ammy Virk. Next, she will be seen in ‘Singham’ and ‘Jinde Meriye’ alongside Parmish Verma in the lead. Furthermore, Sonam will make her Bollywood debut with ‘Street Dancer 3D’ in 2020. After that, she has another movie 'Puaada' in her kitty, the film also stars Ammy Virk in the lead.
Image Source:- Instagram/sonambajwa