The lead actors of the upcoming Punjabi film 'Shadaa' Diljit Dosanjh and Neeru Bajwa are on a promotional spree of the movie as the release date coming close. It is no secret that Diljit is changing the age-old norms for promotions in the Pollywood circuit. Diljit took to his Instagram handle to share Neeru Bajwa's off-camera giddha from the sets of 'Shaada' is a classic testament to that fact. It works or not, it influences others or not only time will answer that. This particular giddha shot was done in 9X Tashan Shada promotional shoot.
Now generally, promotions tend to take a toll on the actors, but things appear tad different with Diljit and Neeru. Proof of the same is a video shared on Diljit Dosanjh’s Instagram, wherein the queen of Pollywood Neeru Bajwa in mid of the promotional spree can be seen breaking into gidda while the Dosanjhawala captures her on camera.
While sharing the video, Diljit wrote, “Shadey Da Ena chaa..OYE HOYE HOYE.. KI KI KARNA Penda FILM PROMOTE KARN LAI Queen @neerubajwa SHADAA 21 JUNE 2019”
Check out the video here:
Now generally, promotions tend to take a toll on the actors, but things appear tad different with Diljit and Neeru. Proof of the same is a video shared on Diljit Dosanjh’s Instagram, wherein the queen of Pollywood Neeru Bajwa in mid of the promotional spree can be seen breaking into gidda while the Dosanjhawala captures her on camera.
While sharing the video, Diljit wrote, “Shadey Da Ena chaa..OYE HOYE HOYE.. KI KI KARNA Penda FILM PROMOTE KARN LAI Queen @neerubajwa SHADAA 21 JUNE 2019”
Check out the video here:
The film ‘Shadaa’ is one of the highly anticipated rom-com movies of this year. The film is written and directed by Jagdeep Sidhu, the movie has been produced by Atul Bhalla, Amit Bhalla, Anurag Singh, Pawan Gill and Aman Gill. It is slated to release on June 21.