Popular Punjabi star Gurnam Bhullar is all set to win hearts on the silver screen with actress Sonam Bajwa. Their film ‘Main Viyah Nahi Karona Tere Naal’ is going to hit the theatres on March 4th and fans are already excited about the announcement. On Propose Day 2022, the makers of the film released a new look poster which made fans super excited about the couple on the silver screen. Finally, to treat fans, the teaser of ‘Main Viyah Nahi Karona Tere Naal’ is dropped recently.
In the teaser, you can see the stunning chemistry between Pooran and Mannat portrayed by Gurnam and Sonam. In the video, you can see a beautiful desi girl and a Canadian YouTuber who travels to Punjab. At the end of the teaser, you can understand why Mannat doesn’t want to marry Pooran as the title suggests. Gurnam took to his social media handle and posted a glimpse of the teaser. He wrote, “Teaser out now #MaiVyahNhiKaronaTereNaal Link in my insta story @sonambajwa @diamondstarworldwide @timesmusichub #Rupinderinderjit”.
Coming to
the credits, Rupinder Inderjit has directed and written ‘Main Viyah Nahi Karona
Tere Naal’. Before this film, Sonam Bajwa and Gurnam Bhullar reunited for the
hit flick 'Gudiyan Patole'. Meanehile,
Soanm Bajwa was last seen in the film ‘Honsla Rakh’ along with Diljit Dosanjh.
Gurnam Bhullar will be seen in upcoming films such as, ‘Koka’ and ‘Lekh’.