Gippy Grewal and Bhushan Kumar had earlier announced their first production collaboration together, ‘Daaka’. Now a few days back Gippy Grewal has unveiled the release date of the film and it is scheduled to release on November 1, 2019. However, right after the announcement of the title of the film the shoot of the same went on floors.
Gippy Grewal took to his social media handle to share the news with his fans. He posted a picture of him on his social media handle and wrote “DAAKA Releasing Worldwide 1st November 2019.”
‘Daaka’ stars Zarine Khan with Gippy Grewal in the lead. They have teamed up for the second time. In 2014, this pair was seen together in ‘Jatt James Bond’.
Further, the film is directed by Baljit Singh Deo and besides being one of the producers and lead actors, Gippy Grewal has also worked on the story and screenplay of the movie. However, the dialogues of the film are written by Naresh Kathooria.
Image Source:- www.instagram/gippygrewal
Gippy Grewal took to his social media handle to share the news with his fans. He posted a picture of him on his social media handle and wrote “DAAKA Releasing Worldwide 1st November 2019.”
‘Daaka’ stars Zarine Khan with Gippy Grewal in the lead. They have teamed up for the second time. In 2014, this pair was seen together in ‘Jatt James Bond’.
Further, the film is directed by Baljit Singh Deo and besides being one of the producers and lead actors, Gippy Grewal has also worked on the story and screenplay of the movie. However, the dialogues of the film are written by Naresh Kathooria.
Image Source:- www.instagram/gippygrewal