Planet Marathi has been a hot topic on the internet lately. With various big faces in the Indian film industry joining the team, Planet Marathi was getting recognition all over India. But the things went global when the head of the production company, Akshay Bardapurkar announced the creation of a new Marathi OTT platform recently. This great news had already amazed the Marathi audience globally but making it firmer on the global view, Akshay announced Planet Marathi’s collaboration with the Singapore based media investment company VIstas Media Capital (VMC).
With VMC joining the team, Planet Marathi gained the 1st amazing push that it needed for this new OTT platform. And now, with such great news dropping one by one, Planet Marathi has recently declared another mind-blowing news. According to the information, the Oscar Jury and the Technical Advisor for India’s National Film Heritage Mission, Ujwal Nirgudkar has recently joined the team Planet Marathi.
Having nurtured the film art of motion pictures, technology, and heritage all his life, Ujwal Nirgudkar became the 1st Indian to be called at the Oscar Academy to work as a member in the technical category. From having the main hand in inviting Oscar president John Bailey in India to opening new opportunities for the Indian film industry worldwide, Ujwal has done many great things in the industry. And, his addition to the team is surely something that’ll benefit the Planet Marathi in every way. His great leadership and technological knowledge will surely bring a new evolution in the Marathi film industry on the global level with Planet Marathi.
This great news has lifted the spirits of the Marathi audience over the sky. This platform was going o be the key to the global Marathi audience to explore the vast content of the Marathi industry. And, this new addition of Ujwal Nirgudakr has brought more power to it as the many National awards and accolades winning personality has joined the team. As per the information, Ujwal is going to work as an advisor at the Planet Marathi. Joining the team as the advisor, Ujwal said that he is very happy to join the team. He also said that the Marathi industry has rich content in every form, but it hasn’t been fully discovered yet. And, this new OTT platform by Planet Marathi has the potential to give the Marathi content the technology and marketing that it needs.
The head of this whole thing Akshay Bardpurkar being happy at the joining of such a great personality, said that for many years the Marathi industry needed a small twist in the way it world to make it go in the right direction. We have great talent and everything but still, we lacked to bring people to the theatre. And, this new OTT platform will bring the revolution that our industry needs to show how vast our content is. And, the entry of Ujwal Nirgudakr into the team will surely bless us with the proper advice, guidance, and growth that we need.
After hearing such great news, everyone is bursting out of joy. The beginning of a new era of the Marathi industry in this digital world is something that every Marathi fan has ever dreamed of. And, pretty soon this dream will be a reality, as such big faces in the film industry from all over the world have joined the Planet Marathi.
So, stay tuned with us for more information on such an amazing topic!
Image Source: twitter/UNirgudkar