Recently Tejaswini Pandit shared a video on Instagram where Mumbai’s ‘Queen’s Necklace’ has turned into a ‘Necklace of Garbage’ after a historic high-tide and incessant rains in Mumbai last week. The sea literally vomited the filth Mumbaikars threw in it, over the footpath and road alongside Marine Lines.
The 5 feet high waves which hit the sea face gave Mumbaikars an eye-opening view of the injustice we do to nature. Tejaswini calls it a law of nature ‘you get what you give’. Tejaswini vows to not litter in public and limit the use of plastic and every Mumbaikar should follow her ideal.
Tejaswini as a responsible actor also pay’s attention to not set a wrong example. Her birthday wish post to her father also sent out a disclaimer to stop smoking, even if she is seen with a cigarette for her shoot, she is a firm believer that smoking is injurious to health.
Image Source: Instagram/tejaswini_pandit