Sai Tamhankar sets fashion standards for her fans on every occasion. May it be her cute summer dress or her cocktail gown for a gala night, Sai Tamhankar does it right!
Yet again, Sai is making a style statement with her pictures on Instagram. Her Ganpati attire is a must have this festive season. She is looking gracefully gorgeous as always.
Check out Sai’s new post on Instagram in a yellow and white anarkali dress. Her outfit by Max India is simple yet elegant and it is topped with her gorgeous smile.
Yet again, Sai is making a style statement with her pictures on Instagram. Her Ganpati attire is a must have this festive season. She is looking gracefully gorgeous as always.
Check out Sai’s new post on Instagram in a yellow and white anarkali dress. Her outfit by Max India is simple yet elegant and it is topped with her gorgeous smile.
She wore this dress on the auspicious occasion of Ganpati. Her post rightly spells out the excitement on her face. Sai tells fans how much she loves the overall excitement around the festival of Ganpati. The flowers, the offerings and the decoration just rejuvenated her.
We can rightly caption this post as 'one wouldn't need jewelry, if they have a million dolla smile'. Sai can create a guide for her fans to teach them how to sport a classy traditional look with little or no jewelry.
Last seen in her super successful box office hit movie ‘Girlfriend’, Sai is creating excitement in her fans with her new post.
Image Source:- Instagram/saietamhankar