The “Duniyadari” actor Swwapnil Joshi is has started shooting for his upcoming horror experimental Marathi Movie “Bali”. The production house of “Bali” Gseams is active on social media and recently they have officially posted few stills from the sets of “Bali” on Twitter. The production house captioned the post – “बळी चित्रपटाची उत्सुकता सगळ्यांनाच आहे...पण त्यापूर्वी पाहुया बळीच्या चित्रीकरणादरम्यानचे काही क्षण... feat. @arjunsingghbaran @kartkdnishandar (Everyone is curious about the movie Bali ... but before that let's see some moments during the shooting of Bali).” The fans of Swwapnil Joshi are re-tweeting and expressing their anxiousness through the words in the comment box. They all are eagerly waiting to see their favorite actor in a never-seen character.
The movie is directed by Vishal Furia and produced by Arjun Singgh Baran and Kartik Nishandar under the banner Gseam. The other actors in key roles are Pooja Sawant, Samarth Jadhav, Pritam Kagne among others.
बळी चित्रपटाची उत्सुकता सगळ्यांनाच आहे...पण त्यापूर्वी पाहुया बळीच्या चित्रीकरणादरम्यानचे काही क्षण... feat. @arjunsingghbaran @kartkdnishandar#balimovie #gseams #bts #swapniljoshi #poojasawant
— Gseams (@Gseamsak) April 20, 2021
Image source: Instagram/swwapnil_joshi/IMDb