Lokesh Gupte’s directorial upcoming Marathi film, Date Bhet has been one of the hot topics on the internet recently. This multi-starrer film has Sonalee Kulkarni, Hemant Dhome, and Santosh Juwekar in the lead roles. The film is produced under the banner of AVK Entertainment. The cast of the film has stirred up a nice excitement among the fans by sharing posts from their shoot in London. Lead actress Sonalee has been keeping her fans updated on every little thing with her funny BTS posts. But recently with their posts on Instagram, the team has announced the completion of their shoot in London.
Wrapping up the shoot, director Lokesh Gupte shared a post on his Insta handle. He shared a picture with the girl squad of the film while saying thank you to the whole team.
Starting with a funny sentence the director wrote “Thank you so much my girl gang for making it happen....”. At the end of his caption, he wished luck to everyone for their future projects. As we can see in this picture, Lokesh’s girl squad includes many well-known faces like actresses Sonalee Kulkarni and Sujata Joshi. Everyone looks so happy that the film has finally completed the shoot. It has brought so much happiness to everyone, as this was a special project for Sonalee, Hemant, and Santosh as well. Also, this was Lokesh’s 1st venture in London, directing a film. Thus, the director must’ve been so happy to work with such a talented team. His fans wished his luck and sent their blessings to the team.
And, from their comments on this post, everyone looks so eager to know more about the film. The team hasn’t announced anything like the release date and other details yet. It seems like we’ll have to wait for a while now, as the team has just finished the shoot. But no matter how long it takes, the film is surely going to rock at the box office.
Image source: Instagram/santosh_juvekar/sonalikulkarni/lokesh_vijay_gupte
Image source: Instagram/santosh_juvekar/sonalikulkarni/lokesh_vijay_gupte