Lunar Eclipse On July 5, 2020: Time, Duration, Visibility In India - All You Need To Know About Chandra Grahan

The first one appeared in January, second in June and third will appear on July 5. The fourth the eclipse will appear in the month of November.

Akriti Anand

Wed Jul 01 2020, 16:38:41 12253 views
The third lunar eclipse is going to take this year 2020 but for a very short time. The upcoming lunar eclipse is taking place on July 5. Eclipse usually comes twice in the year. The first one appeared in January, second in June and third will appear on July 5. The fourth eclipse will appear in the month of November.

Time and Duration: This year the eclipse will appear during the day time in India. But, it is also being reported that the eclipse will take place on the night of 4th and 5th July. People will not be able to see this time. The total eclipse is expected to last for 2 hours 43 mins 24 secs.

Visibility: The upcoming lunar eclipse will not be visible in many regions. The eclipse will be visible in the parts of the North and South America and Europe and a number of regions in western Africa. This lunar eclipse will not be visible in India because it will be daytime.

This year there will be two penumbral lunar eclipses and one annular solar eclipse. In a penumbral lunar eclipse - only the outer diffused shadow of the Earth which is called penumbra - falls on the surface of the moon. A penumbral eclipse is difficult to spot than a total eclipse or a partial eclipse of the moon.

Image Source:instagram/yuribeletsky