The story begins with the love story of Gautam, a French-Indian embassy officer (Mohit Raina), and Ira, a social worker (Diana Penty), which is followed by their wedding. Jaggi (Sunny Kaushal) a college-going lad gatecrashes the reception and meets Gautam and Ira. Cut to three years later, we see a distorted Jaggi trying to enter the UK illegally. Upon being caught he once again meets Gautam, who works for the government to sent the illegal migrants back to their respective countries. Jaggi shares his reason for illegally entering the country and the film goes in flashback. The story then unfolds to the love story of Jaggi and Karthika. It follows a modern-day love story as it progresses through the ode to real love. The film's plot is intriguing and has the ability to propel the film forward gracefully.
Dinesh Vijan's modern-day love story, which emphasizes emotion and romance, is well worth watching. The film 'Shiddat' is about the efforts taken to prove and live love, and those efforts were plainly visible onscreen. The first half of the movie meandered at times, but the second half picked up a little. Kunal Deshmukh, the director, has done a decent job in bringing the script to life. Some sequences were shot in such a way that the story's veracity was plainly seen onscreen.
The film's direction was in sync, but the editing was lacking a step behind. The length of the film is what hurts the most. If the narrative and editing had been improved a bit further, this film may have been a smash hit. Although the last 10 minutes of the film, is what steals the show.
The film's music deserves to be played on repeat; the songs are already chart-topping hits. The background music is also well-suited to the scenes. Overall, the music department has performed admirably. Moving on to the lines, they were fantastic, and there were also some amusing fillers that added to the atmosphere. The first line of conversation by Mohit Raina was repeated throughout the film, which was a brilliant decision by the filmmakers.
In terms of performances, Mohit Raina was a complete surprise in the film. Gautam's humble character in the movie is truly endearing. It is fascinating to watch the actor showcase emotions in such a versatile manner. Mohit really wins your heart in this film. Sunny's performance as a crazy over-the-top lover is noteworthy, and his cool - dude vibrant Punjabi character is outrageous. Radhika is excellent in her role as Karthika, a young career-oriented yet befuddled character. Diana Penty's performance as Ira is likewise adequate; Diana and Mohit's love-hate narrative is sympathetic, and both performers have done admirably in their roles and screen time.
Overall, the film is made with a lot of 'Shiddat,' as the title suggests. The film is worth watching, only for Mohit Raina and Sunny Kaushal's excellent performance. Sunny Kaushal's wild love and Mohit Raina's love-hate relationship will undoubtedly make you cry towards the end of the film.
Image source/SunnyKaushal/Instagram