Blockbuster movie of Ramesh Sippy, Sholay set the bar high for bromance movies in the industry. Jai and Veeru played by Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra respectively are still looked up to as an example for solid brotherhood. Post which Bollywood saw many bromance movies, putting male leads in the forefront despite the actress roped in to meet the industry norms. During the lockdown, along with romance, adventure, bromance movies are also highly recommended by us that are being worthy.
The list includes Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Kumar’s Main Khiladi Tu Anari released in 1994, this movie was a superhit and its title track still gets many hitting the dance floor. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen, an American comedy, 50/50 was critically acclaimed for the male lead's acting prowess and its screenplay. Sadda Adda narrated the tale of bachelors squeezed together in a tiny apartment coming to the city to achieve their dreams. Dumb and Dumber, now does this even require any introduction, well actor Jim Carrey being in the lead is enough to compel you to put this movie in the must-watch list. And lastly Pineapple Express a 2008 action comedy completes our list.
Main Khiladi Tu Anari (MX player)(IMDb: 6.5, age: UA)
The story revolves around one inspector, Karan and one actor, Deepak. Karan wants to take revenge for the murder of his brother and Deepak wants to be with Karan to observe him for his role in the upcoming movie.
50/50 (Netflix)(IMDb: 7.6 ,age: 18+)
Sadda Adda (eros now)(IMDb: 7.1, age: 18+)
The story revolves about seven bachelors who stay in one apartment and their struggles and challenges they are facing in their individual lives.
Dumb and Dumber (Netflix)(IMDb: 7.3, age: 13+)
Pineapple Express (Netflix)(IMDb: 7.0, age: 18+)
A lazy stoner and a lazy dealer witness a murder which involves a cop who is the most dangerous drug lord of that area. In the panic, they run and accidentally leave very rare weed called Pineapple Express there. They both run for their lives and cop tries to find them and ask about that rare weed.
Image Source:allaboutmovies/imdb