Netflix has discovered a new talent Adarsh Gourav with their new original show The White Tiger that has Priyanka Chopra and Rajkummar Rao in the supporting roles. The White Tiger released on the OTT platform on Jan 13 and it was being applauded by one and all globally. The White Tiger witnessed the breakthrough performance of rising star Adarsh Gourav as Balram. But do you know what all Adarsh Gourav had to undergo to get into the skin of the character? Well, Adarsh got a job at a tea stall and lived for a few weeks in Jharkhand.
During his interview with Vogue, Adarsh said, “I told my friend that he shouldn’t tell anyone in his village that I am an actor because otherwise, their approach towards me would become biased. The point of the visit was to get comfortable in that setting and observe what people in a village talk about, and listen to their worldview.”
Spilling the beans on how he got the job at the tea stall, Adarsh told Mail Today, “When I was looking for a job for the first couple of days, nobody was willing to give me one, since I wasn’t ready to show my ID card, because on that my name appears as Adarsh. I got the job at a tea stall after three days of arriving in Delhi. I would dress as Balram and keep my hair and beard very unkempt.”
Images Source: YouTube/Netflix