Television heartthrob Sidharth Shukla marked his digital debut with the web series Broken But Beautiful 3 co-starring Sonia Rathee. The series, backed by Ekta Kapoor’s digital wing, Alt Balaji, has been appreciated by the audience. It premiered on the OTT platform on May 29, 2021. Today the actor taking to his Twitter handle thanked everyone for giving the series a big thumbs up. Also, he is overwhelmed to see the most reliable site IMBD and other platforms rating the web series with good ratings.
He also urged the ones who haven’t yet watched the series to watch it, as it is the perfect one to binge-watch this monsoon. His tweet read, “Feeling blessed that BBB3 has been genuinely loved by our audience. Many of us check IMDB for ratings before watching something & to see our series being appreciated across platforms is a cherry on top. For all of you who haven't seen it yet…DeKH Lo fab weather = binge-watching!” He was also seen replying to a few comments showering him with praises.
One of the Twitter users wrote, “Sid bhai already watched 4 times and I just can't get over Episode 7. You have shown immense range of emotions in that episode and #HunJaavaan song just triples the emotion and not just touches heart but pierce through it and felt like I am Agastya only. Love and more success.” Replying to this Sidharth Shukla wrote, “It’s satisfying to read your comments”
Feeling blessed that BBB3 has been genuinely loved by our audience.Many of us check IMDB for ratings before watching something & to see our series being appreciated across platforms is a cherry on top. For all of you who haven't seen it yet…DeKH Lo fab weather = binge watching!