Josh Brolin AKA Avengers’ Thanos Tries Butthole Tanning But Ends Up ‘Burning His Pucker Hole’ Instead, OH SNAP

Josh Brolin AKA Thanos ends up crazily burning his butthole after trying the ‘perineum sunning’ method. Well, he then snaps at the person who started the bizarre trend

Divya Ramnani

Tue Dec 03 2019, 12:54:22 46919 views
The internet, sometimes, can be a crazy place full of some unusually bizarre challenges and trends. Well, the most recent one to take social media by storm is the ‘perineum sunning’ practice introduced by a health influencer who shared a viral video of three men lying naked on the grass with their legs rose up, exposing their buttholes to the sun. As per her, a mere 30 seconds of sunlight on one’s anus will help the person in receiving a lot more energy than he/she does being outside with clothes on. What next? A lot of people jumped onto the bandwagon and tried it, well; one of them was Josh Brolin AKA Thanos. However, his experience with the butthole sunning wasn’t a merry one.

Taking to his Instagram, an exasperated Josh shared his experience on the perineum sunning, which ended up the actor burning his pucker hole. LOL! In his caption, the Avengers’ actor advised his followers to not to try this method because his pucker hole has crazily burned and, instead of going shopping with his family, Josh is sitting at home, applying ice, aloe and burn creams due to the pain. “Tried this perineum sunning that I’ve been hearing about and my suggestion is DO NOT do it as long as I did. My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain,” he wrote.

Check out his post below:

Further, the actor also slammed the person who introduced such method and, well, he was in the mood to snap, quite literally. “I don’t know who the fuck thought of this stupid shit but fuck you nonetheless. Seriously. #blackholefriday #blackholesun #severeperineumburns #santamonicafiredepartment #assholecare,” he added. (ALSO READ - Avengers: Endgame-The Art Of The Movie Reveals Hulk VS Thanos Rematch; Was This A Major Scene Deleted?)

All we can say is OOPS! 

image source: instagram/joshbrolin