When the hit sitcom Friends aired from 1994 to 2004, fans enjoyed the on-screen romance between characters Ross Geller and Rachel Green, played by David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston respectively. The much-anticipated Friends: The Reunion Special episode released today, on May 27. It features the cast of six- Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry. During the Friends Reunion Special episode, host James Corden asked point-blank whether any of the cast of six engaged in off-screen romances with each other.
Answering the question, Aniston and Schwimmer admitted they used to crush on each other. David said, “I mean, the first season, I had a major crush on Jen. At some point, we were crushing hard on each other.” He added, “But it was like two ships passing because one of us was always in a relationship and we never crossed that boundary. We respected that." At that moment, Matt LeBlanc joked, “Bulls***.”
Jennifer Aniston then recalled a conversation she had with Schwimmer about their first kiss being on television. She said, “Honestly, I remember saying one time to David, 'It's going to be such a bummer if the first time you and I actually kiss is going to be on national television.’" Aniston added, “Sure enough, first time we kissed was in that coffee shop." The actress continued, "So we just channelled all of our adoration and love for each other into Ross and Rachel."
David also remembered cuddling on the couch with Aniston during the early years of shooting. He recalled, "When we had breaks from rehearsal, there were moments where we would cuddle on the couch,” to which Aniston added, “We would spoon and fall asleep on the couch.” Later, when a video of that time rolled, Schwimmer said, “I'm thinking, 'How did not everyone know we were crushing on each other?'" Reacting to this, Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox said that they all “knew” about Aniston and Schwimmer’s attraction. Also Read: FRIENDS The Reunion: Fans Can’t Keep Calm As The Cast Reunites Finally; HBO Go Crashes Minutes After The Premiere
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