Mira Rajput was captured on the streets of Mumbai, as she strolled with hubby, Shahid Kapoor, flaunting that cute baby bump. Sonam Kapoor posted a few pictures, all dressed-up, on Instagram to keep fans updated about her recent happenings. Sonal Chauhan was clicked as she made her way out of the eatery, Yauatcha, BKC. Janhvi Kapoor is promoting her debut film, Dhadak, non-stop with Ishaan Khatter. Yesterday, the duo was at Sun-N-Sand, Juhu.
Lastly, Nora Fatehi was snapped at Mumbai airport as she departed from the city. Let’s find out who were the stunners and bummers of the day:
MIRA RAJPUT- STUNNER- Mira keeps it casual and comfortable in a short white dress. Mommy-to-be looks adorable, doesn’t she?
Shahid And Mira Snapped Post Lunch Date
SONAM KAPOOR- BUMMER- Sonam’s Indian game is not at par this time. The combination of mustard and red is pretty but the print and fit lets the actress down.
Sonam Kapoor Shares A Picture On Her Instagram Account
SONAL CHAUHAN- BUMMER- Sonal, those paper bag waist pants are cool but I am not a fan of the overall look.
Sonal Chauhan Snapped At Yauatcha In BKC
NORA FATEHI- STUNNER- Nora’s sporty separate is surely a hot pick and the actress looks even hotter in it.
Nora Fatehi Spotted At The Airport
JANHVI KAPOOR- STUNNER- Janhvi slays it in a white crop top and electric blue skirt. The fusion wear during promotional events is working well for the actress.
Janhvi Kapoor Snapped Post Dhadak Promotions
Image Source: Viral Bhayani & instagram/sonamkapoor