Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted on-the-sets of Dance India Dance while Parineeti Chopra spent time promoting her film, Jabariya Jodi. Gauri Khan was snapped in the city and Sagarika Ghatge made a quick visit to a clinic. Dia Mirza departed from the city, yesterday and was clicked at Mumbai airport.
So, let’s see who were the stunners and bummer of the day:
KAREENA KAPOOR KHAN- STUNNER- Kareena is beyond gorgeous in this tangerine layered dress.
PARINEETI CHOPRA- BUMMER- The light olive green high-collared dress doesn’t suit Parineeti as much.
GAURI KHAN- STUNNER- Gauri rocks the navy blue blazer and denim look.
SAGARIKA GHATGE- STUNNER- Sagarika keeps it simple and subtle in black sleeveless top and jeans.
DIA MIRZA- STUNNER- Dia’s airport look is quite chic and comfortable.