Parineeti Chopra is the Fashion Culprit Of The Day. The actress was spotted with her bestie, Sania Mirza at Yauatcha, Bandra. The ladies caught up for dinner and as they made exit, the dup was clicked by paparazzi.
Parineeti wore a light blue denim skirt-cum-shorts and paired it with a navy blue printed tee. She also threw a long striped shrug over the t-shirt and completed the look with royal blue sneakers. Check her put below:
FLAWS: There is no problem with the skirt-cum-shirts, in fact I loved it. The blue tee is quite okay but I would have preferred a different top with it, however, it wasn’t all that bad. The main culprit was the multi-coloured long shrug which ruined the look for the actress. It was so not needed and had Parineeti just stopped at the shorts and tee, she would have totally escaped the tag. Also, the royal blue sneakers don’t make me feel so good, either.
Image Source:- Viral Bhayani