It's a sexy hotpants kinda Thursday for Ananya Panday it seems. The actor is an internet sensation as she never fails to amaze us with OOTD fashion or with her beauty tips. Nevertheless, this time she is taking the social media by storm, all thanks to the latest photo that she just served to her Insta fam jam. Wearing hot shorts with a red t-shirt and keeping her messy, Ananya shows us how lazy she is feeling right now. However, the lady’s lazy look is not as boring as we assume it to be. She recently took to her Instagram stories to share a collage of herself, exuding all the charm and hotness.
These are the exact same pics that were earlier shared on her Instagram page. Sometime back, she shared some more pictures wearing a white bustier top and shorts. Ananya’s style is an inspiration for summer fashion. Meanwhile, she will be next seen in Karan Johar’s production house, Dharma’s Liger alongside Arjun Reddy star Vijay Deverakonda. Speaking about working in a pan-India film and on being asked by TMM magazine if she is taking this film as an opportunity to appeal to a much wider audience, she shared, “Of course. I debuted in the Hindi film industry two years ago and now, I'm making my debut in four other industries. It's four times the nervousness excitement and butterflies in the stomach! I feel the world has become such a small place.”
Ananya Panday will also be seen in Shakun Batra’s untitled next along with Deepika Padukone and Siddhanth Chaturvedi whose shooting has already begun.
Image source: SpotboyE archives