Bollywood filmmaker and actress Pooja Bhatt has never shied away from the glares of the media. Ever since she made her debut, she made a name for herself through her hard work and determination. While she is currently making the headlines for her participation in Bigg Boss OTT season 2, she was on the forefront for breaking the stereotypical portrayal of women in movies in the 90s. While her choice of movies were certainly ahead of time, her decision to lock lips with her father filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt for a magazine photoshoot left the audiences shocked.
Having made a smashing debut in Bollywood at the age of 17 with the movie Daddy, the father-daughter duo had posed for a magazine in the 80s. In the cover of the magazine that often goes viral on social media, Pooja was seen sitting on Mahesh’s lap and they kissed each other on the lips. It is safe to say the controversial incident didn’t not go down well with the Indian audience. As soon as the magazine was released, the father-daughter duo became victims of nasty comments and a lot of verbal abuse. ALSO READ: Mahesh Bhatt Laud’s Daughter Pooja Bhatt As He Reacts To Her Entry In Bigg Boss OTT 2! Says ‘I Admire Her Audacity’
To make matters worse, the 74-year-old filmmaker had hosted a press conference to address the photo. He wanted to openly talk about the controversial photo. He had bared his heart out in front of the media. Mahesh had expressed that he would have married Pooja if she weren’t his daughter, which led to even more uproar from the audience. He had said, “If Pooja had not been my daughter, I would have married her.” ALSO READ: Pooja Bhatt On Her Failed Marriage With Ex-Husband Manish Makhija; Bigg Boss OTT 2 Contestant Opens Up About Her Divorce, Says, ‘I Cannot Live A Lie’
For the unversed, Pooja is Mahesh's eldest daughter from his first marriage with Kiran Bhatt. They also have a son Rahul Bhatt. The filmmaker went on to marry Soni Razdan, after he separated from his first wife. They have two daughters Shaheen Bhatt and Alia Bhatt.
Image Source: Pinkvilla