Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput Kapoor enjoys a huge fanbase on social media. She often takes to her official handles to share glimpses of her life and never shies away from talking about raising their kids Misha and Zain, along with her husband. Despite their 13-year-old age difference, Shahid and Mira have built a beautiful home together. Recently, she opened up about embracing motherhood at the age of 21 and how despite being in the ‘prime of youth,’ she almost miscarried their daughter four months into the pregnancy.
Quoted by the Free Press Journal, she added, “Everything was just different. He was like I need to talk to you but you can’t be sitting, please lie down. Because I had already dilated and I was four months pregnant, so he told me, ‘You can lose your baby any moment’.” Mira revealed that she was admitted to the hospital and kept under observation for around two months. However, it took a toll on her mental health which Shahid noticed. He decided to get her home. After going back home, her parents and her whole family visited their house to surprise her. The surprise left her feeling so overwhelmed that she started getting contractions.
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While she was rushed back to the hospital, it was this time that Shahid insisted on setting up a hospital in their home so Mira felt more comfortable. She concluded by sharing how when their daughter was born in August 2017, the doctors called her a ‘miracle baby’.
For those who don’t know, the Padmaavat actor tied the knot with Mira Rajput Kapoor in July 2015. Together they built their happy family alongside their kids Misha Kapoor and Zain Kapoor.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor was last seen in Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya alongside Kriti Sanon. He will be next seen in Deva, co-starring Pooka Hegde, and Ashwatthama: The Saga Continues. Fans have been eagerly waiting for the actor to share more glimpses and updates for his upcoming projects.
Image Source: Instagram