Watching Taimur Walk For The First Time Was Like Watching A Drunk Baby: Saif Ali Khan

In an interview, Saif Ali Khan revealed interesting anecdotes about Taimur Ali Khan’s baby steps and media attention...

Snehal Rajani

Fri Jan 12 2018, 11:28:39 19774 views

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s l’il one, Taimur, is already a celebrity of sorts. Hence, no chat with his parents is incomplete without a question on him. In an interview recently, when Saif was asked about Taimur’s baby steps he cheekily said, “He’s a very cute kid. Watching him walk for the first time was like watching a drunk baby. It’s hysterical and so cute. It’s a wonderful part of our lives.”

The one-year-old successfully takes away the limelight from Saif and Kareena. Talking about the media attention that his baby boy gets, Saif said, “It would be a little arrogant to hide him. The press- they only want a picture, because people are interested in what this kid is like. It’s fine, it’s not such a big deal. You go to the airport and they take your picture. They’re not chasing your car or doing anything.He will grow up to understand that his parents are quite down to earth and are privileged people. He will not get away with certain comments and remarks in front of us. My parents and Kareena’s parents insist that children learn the values.”

Well, he is undoubtedly a social media favourite! 

Image Source: instagram/kareenakapoorupdates