Vishal Mishra Performing LIVE In Mumbai, Tonight: ‘I Haven’t Slept Since 3 Days, Kabir Singh Song Kaise Hua Is My Finale Track’- EXCLUSIVE

The popular Indian music composer and singer Vishal Mishra is kicked about his first-ever live performance in Mumbai tonight. He spoke to us a while back wherein he revealed the line-up of songs and shared his excitement

Vickey Lalwani

Sun Nov 10 2019, 17:43:41 19388 views
All roads will lead to Dublin Square, Mumbai tonight! The famous composer-singer Vishal Mishra is all set to perform live and it's going to be a fun-filled evening!

Vishal Mishra is kicked about his live performance in Mumbai tonight. He spoke to us a while back as he was on his way to rehearsals for the big nite. Indeed, he was pretty excited!

Vishal started off by saying, “This has been a beautiful year for me. I have done some 25-26 songs and I have got so much love from people. I thought to myself, ‘I’m so happy that my team could pull this off in Mumbai and I’m really excited.”

The singer is gung ho about his live act in Mumbai as he adds, “From a long time I was doing gigs in Lucknow, Delhi, but Mumbai was on my list since a while.” Finally, tonight he will realise his dream of singing in front of Mumbaikars live at Dublin Square, Phoenix Marketcity.

We asked him the line-up of songs and he told us, “I’m singing all my songs. I will be singing Kaise Hua, Pehla Pyaar from Kabir Singh. A song from Saand Ki Aaknh. Then, I’ll also be doing a medley of songs from 1950-2019. My finale song will be the Kaise Hua song from Kabir Singh.”

Finally, we asked him how nervous or excited he is and he revealed that he hasn’t slept since 3 days. “I’m a little fidgety about my throat but God has been kind.”

Image Source:- youtube/tseries/amarujala,facebook/VishalMishraOfficia