On May 3, Sridevi was honoured with National Film Award for the Best Actress (Mom). Boney Kapoor along with his daughters – Janhvi and Khushi had gone to Delhi to receive the honour. And today, a video of Boney addressing the media after the ceremony has surfaced online, where he is seen getting emotional while talking about his wife’s achievements.
In the video, he says, “We felt very proud, but at the same time we have been missing her since she has left us and we feel if she had been here, she would have been proud to receive this honour. I must thank jury, Govt. Of India and ministry for recognising her work. She has done 300 films, so what better honour. Perhaps, it was not in her destiny to receive it herself. That’s why we are here to receive it on her behalf.” When asked about how much they miss Sridevi, Boney says, “Every minute, every second they miss mom. I miss her every second, but you cannot fight destiny, you have to accept the reality, and move one. I am doing my best to play this double role of mom and father both.”
Watch the video below:
Later, Boney brings his daughters as well for them to express their gratitude. Janhvi Kapoor thanks everyone for recognizing Sridevi’s work and says, “I think both of us (Khushi and I) would like to thank the jury for recognizing the hard work, perseverance and dedication that my mother has put into this role. It was very special to her and we are very happy that she is being appreciated for it. She also thanks the Government of India for recognizing her mother’s achievement.” Further, when she is asked if she misses her mother, Janhvi refuses to comment saying, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
More power to the family!
Video Source: youtube/newspointtv