Vicky Kaushal will finally begin with the shooting for his upcoming biopic film titled Sardar Udham Singh. But, before the film’s muharat shoot, the actor made it a point to offer prayers to the almighty at the Golden Temple, Amritsar. Taking to his Instagram account, Kaushal shared a picture of him offering prayers at the divine place in Punjab. The actor was sporting a white kurta-pyjama and had an orange scarf tied to his head, as he was engrossed in praying.
Check it out below:
The film is a biopic of the revolutionary freedom fighter Udham Singh, who is remembered for avenging the dastardly Jallianwala Bagh massacre by the British in 1919. The film’s first schedule was shot in London during which Vicky also revealed his look from the film. In the past, it was revealed how the director of the film, Shoojit Sircar, connected the injury scar on Vicky Kaushal’s face to the film’s storyline. A source close to the production house had told Mid-Day, “When he (Vicky Kaushal) reported to the set in Russia, Shoojit and the team decided to use the scar prominently instead of hiding it with makeup. They felt that a facial scar, instead of one on the arm, would serve well as a reminder of that fateful day to the protagonist and depict his anguish more strongly. So, it worked out well for the film's first look.”
Take a look at his first look below:
On the work front, Vicky Kaushal recently wrapped up the shooting for Bhanu Pratap Singh's Bhoot Part 1: The Haunted Ship. Other than that, he has Karan Johar’s multi-starrer Takht, which also stars Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar in the lead roles.
Sardar Udham Singh is slated to hit the big screens in 2020.
image source: instagram/vickykaushal09