Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff is celebrating his birthday today, and his family members made it extra special for him by sharing adorable birthday posts. The Heropanti actor turns 31 years old today, and his mother Ayesha Shroff and sister Krishna Shroff took to their social media, and shared beautiful memories from his childhood. Sharing his baby pictures, Ayesha Shroff penned a heartfelt note, and his childhood pictures are sure to make you go ‘aww’.
Ayesha Shroff took to her Instagram and posted several childhood pictures of Tiger Shroff. In her post, she called him the ‘kindest’, ‘hardworking’ and ‘decent to the core’. She wrote, “Happppppiest birthday to the kindest, gentlest, most positive, hardworking and downright decent to the core boy May God bless you always my darling son @tigerjackieshroff.” Baby Tiger Shroff looks too cute for words, and the pictures are unmissable! Check them out below.
Meanwhile, Tiger’s sister Krishna also shared their childhood pictures together. The first picture shows a young Tiger Shroff holding baby Krishna on his lap. Both of them look adorable! Meanwhile, another throwback picture shows Tiger striking a pose for the camera, while Krishna looks adorably at him. Sharing the pictures on her Instagram stories, Krishna wrote, “Happy birthday to my bestest friend forever @tigerjackieshroff Will forever only dream of doing all the cool sh*t that you do.”
On the professional front, Tiger Shroff will next be seen in Vikas Bahl’s Ganapath Part 1. Apart from this, he also has Heropanti 2 and Baaghi 4 lined up. ALSO READ: Tiger Shroff Birthday Special: 5 Times The Baaghi Star Made Us Go Uff With His Shirtless Picture
Image Source: SpotboyE Archive, Instagram/kishushroff