After making a stunning appearance at TIFF, the makers of The Sky Is Pink have unveiled the official poster of the film. Along with the poster, the makers have announced the trailer release date of The Sky Is Pink which stars Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar, Zaira Wasim and Rohit Saraf. Yesterday, Priyanka shared romantic still from the film, which saw Farhan carrying the Quantico actress in her arms. The duo looked madly in love as they continued to gaze at each other.
In the poster, Farhan is seen piggybacking Priyanka Chopra, while Zaira and Rohit are seen running with a wide smile on their faces. Sharing the poster, Priyanka Chopra wrote, “In this family, crazy doesn’t skip a generation! We bring to you #TheSkyIsPink trailer Tomorrow at 10 AM! @faroutakhtar @zairawasim_ @rohitsaraf10 @shonalibose_ #RonnieScrewvala @rsvpmovies #SiddharthRoyKapur @roykapurfilms @purplepebblepictures #SKGlobal”
In June, Priyanka had taken to social media to announce the wrap of The Sky Is Pink. While sharing a few pictures from their wrap up party, Priyanka’s caption read, “And it’s a wrap. This movie is special to me on so many levels. Not just because @roykapurfilms and @rsvpmovies (Sid and ronnie) partnered with me on my first Hindi production.. but also took the chance on me to bring to life a character and a true story that needed to be told. @faroutakhtar you made an amazing co actor all over again with all the laughter and fun!(you were missed tonight) and my amazing @zairawasim_ and @rohitsaraf10 who I’ve made friends for life with! This was the hardest loveliest experience. Thank you @shonalibose_ for your incredibly unique vision. I’m so proud of your faith in me. Thank you so much to Our crew who worked tirelessly for 10 months to make this special piece of cinema. I love you all.See u at the pictures!!! #skyispink”
The Sky is Pink is produced by RSVP and Roy Kapur Films, in association with S K Global and Purple Pebble Pictures. The film, which is helmed by Shonali Bose, is slated to release on October 11, 2019.
Images Source: instagram/priyankachopra