Kangana Ranaut is all set to celebrate her birthday tomorrow in the most special way as she unveils the trailer of her ambitious project, Thalaivi, a biopic on the South actor-politician Jayalalithaa. The event will be done in two cities, Chennai and Mumbai and the actress will be gracing the event in both cities.
However, the new BMC rules, following the surge in cases in Maharashtra and especially Mumbai, have affected the plans in some way. A source close to the development reveals that the event was supposed to be a grand unveiling of the film, but now the plans are being modified as per the rules. “The organisers have been directed to have a capacity of at most 50 people for the event in Mumbai. The makers are concerned as the film’s team only will comprise of at least 20-30 people, and to have just a leeway of 20 people more form the media and the industry is a bit concerning. However, the makers are trying their best to carry the event out as close to their initial plans as possible,” the source informed.
The source further adds that Kangana will first attend the event in Chennai, where the rules are a bit more lenient than the city and will fly off to Mumbai straightaway from there to attend the trailer launch in the city. “It is going to be a hectic day for Kangana but she is very excited for it as it makes her birthday all the more special,” the source said.
Kangana recently shared a collection of her transformation for the film on twitter, saying how she gained and then lost 20 kgs for the role in a span of few months. The actress will portray the journey of Jayalalithaa from a renowned actress in the ’60s and ’70s to become one of the most loved politicians in Tamil Nadu. Thalaivi is releasing on April 23, 2021.
Image Source: facebook/Thalaivithefilm, youtube/deepcreations, instagram/thalaivithefilm