Kangana Ranaut is back to Manali after seeing a lot of fiasco in Mumbai and she keeps sharing some picturesque snaps on her Instagram, giving her fans a visual treat. The actress has also resumed shooting for her upcoming biopic, Thalaivi. But as Kangana is shooting the film, she gets a picture of her mother and shares it on her Twitter handle. The picture is of her mother who is seen making the season's first makki ki roti. We also see Ranaut's mother in front of a chulha while telling us that her mother has a separate little chulha so that the food gets an authentic smokey taste of it. Well, seeing this picture, we are definitely craving for one right here right now.
While sharing this picture on her micro-blogging site, she captioned it as "In the midst of filming Thalaivi just received a delightful picture of mother making season’s first makki ki roti, she has a separate little chulha for authentic smokey taste of chulha rotis from home grown makki." Some days back, Kangana shared a couple of pictures with director A.L Vijay while shooting discussing a scene on the sets of Thalaivi.
Captioning the photos, she tweeted, “Good morning friends, these are some stills from yesterday’s early morning scene discussion with my absolutely talented and most affectionate director A.L Vijay ji, there are many amazing places in this world but the most soothing and comforting to me is a film set #Thalaivi”
Thalaivi is a biopic on Tamil Nadu's Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa, starring Kangana Ranaut and Arvind Swami. The film will be released in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu and is scheduled to hit the big screens next year. ALSO READ: Thalaivi: Kangana Ranaut Is Back To Work; Shares Post Dance Rehearsal Picture With Choreographer - See Pic
Image source: Instagram/ kanganaranaut/ SpotboyE archives