Sushant Singh Rajput’s death on June 14, due to suicide, has caused restlessness among his fans. While some stars have opened up about the actor’s death urging the government to serve justice, some have still chosen to remain mum on it. So far keeping tight lipped about it was veteran actor Anupam Kher, but in his latest Twitter post, he has poured his heart out and without criticizing anyone he also mentions turning a blind eye to this unpleasant happening would be unfair.
Anupam Kher played the late actor’s onscreen father in the blockbuster film M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story that released in 2016. Sympathizing with his family and fans who are going through a harrowing time due to the actor’s death, Mr Kher mentions that the case has gone through a graph of several ups and downs, thus speaking about it without being biased is the need of the hour. He also asked who is the culprit and who is not? need to be unveiled, as his death requires a proper closure with a logical end.
His tweet read, “Sushant’s family & fans deserve to know the truth. So much has been said, there are so many conspiracy theories, but it is not about who stands on which side anymore, it is about ensuring, that this case reaches a logical conclusion. We must know the truth. #JusticeforSushant”
Image Source: Instagram/anupampkher/sushant_singh_rajput