Following Karan Johar’s party in 2019 that took social media by storm, Akali Dal Leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa filed a complaint against the filmmaker, Deepika Padukone, Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Vicky Kaushal and others for 'consumption, possession and allowing a premise to be used for commission of offences, cognizable in nature under chapter 4 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985,’ as per his complaint.
Now here’s the latest development in Karan Johar’s complaint filed by Sirsa, NCB Headquarters in Delhi has forwarded the complaint to NCB Mumbai for allegedly organizing drugs party at his residence. Sirsa’s further states, “The video of the party is glaring evidence about the incident of illicit drug traffic and abuse by persons belonging to the Indian film industry.”
Speaking to Republic TV, Manjinder Sirsa has earlier said, “I met NCB chief and stressed on reinvestigating the matter of drugs of 2019. NCB chief gave assurance of investigation into Karan Johar's party in 2019. Mumbai Police had not responded to Karan Johar house party complaint filed by me last year. There must be two reasons - one, they(Mumbai Police) are hand in glove with them and secondly, that drug is a very common thing."
Sirsa had earlier Tweeted, “I met Sh. Rakesh Asthana, Chief of @narcoticsbureau at BSF head quarter, Delhi regarding submission of complaint for investigation & action against film Producer @karanjohar & others for organizing drug party at his residence in Mumbai That party video must be investigated into!”
Images Source: Instagram/karanjohar, twitter/mssirsa