Last night, celebrities like Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, Rekha, Shilpa Shetty, Rani Mukerji visited Anil Kapoor’s house to offer condolences to the family. Right now, Farhan Akhtar with mother Honey Irani, Tabu and Farah Khan have reached Anil’s bungalow in Juhu, to meet the family.
Last evening, we had told you that Sridevi’s funeral
will take place at Pawan Hans Crematorium this morning. However, post mortem and formalities to bring the legendary
actress’ mortal remains back home delayed the process and now the latest update
is that the body will be brought back to Mumbai by by late evening today.
As of now, the family is in the process of fulfilling the formalities to bring back the actress’ body back to India. According to Khaleej Times, once forensic reports are handed over, the body will be taken to Muhaisna for embalming. The process takes 90 minutes. The Police will then issue a death certificate. The Indian consulate Dubai will cancel the actress’ passport, post which the immigration department will complete administrative procedures. Finally, when the Public prosecutor gives permission to hand over the body, a private plane will fly the body to India.
Sridevi died of a cardiac arrest on Feb 24, between 11-11:30 pm (Dubai time) in her hotel room. She was in the desert city to attend nephew, Mohit Marwah’s wedding. While Anil Kapoor had flown down to Dubai from Chandigarh yesterday morning, he along with daughter Sonam, returned to Mumbai, late last evening.
Image Source:youtube/spotboye