Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja embraced motherhood last year as she welcomed her first child, son Vayu. The proud mommy since then has been spending time with her little bundle of joy and often shares his cute photos on social media. While Sonam has gained weight after becoming a mother, the actress is not following any crazy diet plans to reduce her postpartum weight. In a new interview, the Neerja star spoke about dealing with the pressure to lose her pregnancy weight.
Speaking with Grazia India, Kapoor revealed that although she is exercising to be healthy, she is not taking any sort of crazy diet to shed her weight. She even mentioned that she was still breastfeeding, and hopes to continue 'for at least a year.’ The 37-year-old actress was quoted saying, “You look at yourself in all these videos which are super unflattering and taken on the phone – and you’re wondering to yourself – ‘am I really looking like that’? I’m not scared of anything in that sense, ageing or anything else – but I just don’t feel like myself. If I’m shooting, I send my measurements in advance – I don’t want to come back feeling like I’m not fitting into these tiny clothes – it plays a huge havoc on your self-confidence, to try and fit into things you would have fit into five or 10 years ago.”
Sonam went on to add that she is not back to what she used to be and that she is not even pushing herself. “I’m still breastfeeding, and I hope to continue for at least a year. Your body needs the food, rest, and energy while you’re doing that. I’m not on any crazy diet, I’m exercising – I exercised through my pregnancy – and being healthy. I took care of myself through my pregnancy and I’m going to continue doing that and not check the scales,” the Khoobsurat actress added.
For the unversed, Sonam got married to Anand Ahuja in May 2018 in an intimate ceremony. The couple walked down the aisle after dating for a few years. In 2022, they welcomed their first child, son Vayu and released a statement on social media announcing the arrival of their baby boy.
Sonam recently made heads turn at the star-studded launch event of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre launch event in Mumbai. Work-wise, she will next be seen in the upcoming film Blind, which is the remake of the 2011 Korean film of the same name.