Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra’s Jabariya Jodi has been receiving immense love, ever since it’s trailer released. The film is based on the real life instances of groom-kidnapping, a phenomenon that is prevalent in north India. The movie was slated to hit screens on 2nd August, however, now the makers of Jabariya Jodi have pushed the film’s release ahead by a week and it will now be coming out on 9th August, 2019.
This decision was taken after considering the fact that there are too many releases on August 2nd and many previously released film like JudgeMentall Hai Kya are enjoying a solid run. By postponing the release and pushing it a week ahead, the makers avoided a clash with Sonakshi Sinha starrer Khandaani Shafakhana. To add to that, prominent exhibitors across India came together and requested the makers to move ahead to 9th Aug to avoid the clutter. Jabariya Jodi will now enjoy a solo release. Also, the film will have a holiday advantage of Bakri Eid which is on August 12. And with Saaho getting pushed to month end, Jabariya Jodi may also get the advantage of the Independence Day weekend.
Even earlier, Ekta Kapoor’s Jabariya Jodi starring was pushed to August 2, instead of July 12 and the decision had been taken to avoid clashing with Hrithik Roshan starrer Super 30. The film is now finally set to release on August 9. Jabariya Jodi is directed by Prashant Singh and is produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms and Shaailesh R. Singh’s Karma Media and Entertainment.
Image Source: Instagram/sidmalhotra